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Ukraine’s President Extends Moratorium on State Mine Bankruptcies Through 2026

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has signed legislation extending protections for state-owned mines in Ukraine, preventing their bankruptcy through January 1, 2026. The measure aims to preserve critical energy infrastructure during challenging times.

The legislation, formally known as Bill No. 12220 “On some amendments to laws of Ukraine on restoration of solvency of certain state enterprises in critical condition in the sphere of energy,” received presidential approval on 29 January 2025, following its passage by the Verkhovna Rada on 14 January 20205.

This protective measure specifically targets state enterprises in the energy sector that are experiencing financial difficulties, implementing a moratorium on bankruptcy proceedings. The law represents a strategic move to maintain stability in Ukraine’s energy sector by preventing the liquidation of state-owned mining operations.

The extension of the moratorium underscores the government’s commitment to preserving its domestic energy production capabilities and protecting strategic state assets during a period of significant challenges for the country’s industrial sector.

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